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                  国产欧美日韩看片片在线人成_亚洲国产天堂久久综合2261144_2019国产精品_高清国产精品久久久久_国产成+人+亚洲+欧美+日韩_精品国产看高清国产毛片 久久免费国产精品一区二区_国产视频三区_国产精品lululu在线观看_亚洲国产午夜_91精品国产91久久久久_在线麻豆国产传媒60在线观看
                  Training & Education

                  Current location:Home > Human Resources > Training & Education

                  Training Concept

                  People-oriented: regard talents as the primary resource to promote the development of enterprises, and consider people's learning ability and creativity as the key to maintain and enhance the core competitiveness; advocate a training concept where 'work is training, training is work, and superiors are trainers'. With the main goal of improving employees' practical and executive abilities, strive to provide employees with a stage to realize value and realize common growth with employees.

                  Training Purpose

                  Through the implementation of continuous education and training, employees are nurtured to have a good work attitude and professional spirit, the employees' professional knowledge and work skills are increased, and work performance is improved, aligning the company's development with employees' self-realization.

                  Training Principle

                  Openness: all employees are entitled to receive training, and the Company should publicly publish various training programs

                  Systematic: employee training is a systematic process that involves all employees and runs through individual career development

                  Diversity: during the employee training, the characteristics of the trainees should be taken into account, and the training content and form should be diversified

                  Incentive: focus on training personnel with good performance and development potential, and motivate employees to work hard

                  Performance: the effectiveness of employee training will be reflected through the work performance of the organization and the individual

                  Training Form

                  Internal training: by internal lecturers or external experts or professional institutions.

                  External training: by external organizations, including short-term external training, inspection, academic education, and vocational (practicing) qualification training.

                  Self-learning: external training that employees participate in their spare time according to their own quality and post requirements after being reviewed and approved through relevant procedures.

                  Training Plan and Implementation

                  Training plan: according to the training needs, and combined with the annual business tasks of the Company, the Human Resources Department shall formulate the annual training plan in accordance with the overall human resources planning of the Company and the opinions of various departments, and submit it to the Company for approval and implementation.

                  Training implementation: the Human Resources Department is responsible for the overall organization, coordination and implementation of the Company's annual training work. Each department is responsible for completing the training courses concerned.

                  Training Evaluation

                  The training effect is evaluated from four levels: reflection, learning, behavior and result.

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                                亚洲欧美精品一区_视频一区二区欧美日韩在线_精品日韩欧美一区二区三区_欧美无吗_欧美亚洲国产视频_欧美精品久久久久久久影视 国产欧美日韩看片片在线人成_亚洲国产天堂久久综合2261144_2019国产精品_高清国产精品久久久久_国产成+人+亚洲+欧美+日韩_精品国产看高清国产毛片 久久免费国产精品一区二区_国产视频三区_国产精品lululu在线观看_亚洲国产午夜_91精品国产91久久久久_在线麻豆国产传媒60在线观看
                                Produced By CMS 網站群內容管理系統 publishdate:2024-03-12 16:35:12